When a younger person than you has limited funds, ie pocket money and you have unlimited funds, ie credit card, therefore everything you pick up is 'amazing', 'awesome' etc in their eyes therefore you buy them. Purchases can be either for yourself or the younger person
Floral head band aimed at Tweens, yet you buy and you're in your 30's as the younger person your with thinks you'll look amazing wearing it, therefore Virtual Spending
by FatSaladClub08 February 24, 2014
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Kale is slang for money, it's not just cabbage, which is also slang for money, so you can't have your money and spend it too. It's my updated version of the idiom, " you can't have your cake and eat it too".
Put your money in a safe place son, because you can't have your kale and spend it too.
by 2B+ November 27, 2019
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People will say that they can't spend time with somebody because they are about to leave so what's the point, but the counter argument is imagine you had a dying dog. Would you leave it all alone or would you spend as much time as you could with it.
Hey man just because she's leaving doesn't mean you shouldn't see her. Spend time with the dying dog bro.
by Caders21 March 24, 2022
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The art of spending tens of thousands of investigative man-hours, Ten's of millions of taxpayer's dollars, & fruitless Congressional time attempting to detract everyone away from the fact that years after the fact (And every ounce of cheap political mileage is long sense been squeezed out of it) YOU STILL HAVE "ZIP" to show for your wasted efforts.
Person #1 Q- Do you think this stupidity will ever end?
Person #2 A- Not as long as anyone thinks there's any spend-ghazi left in it. ; The wizards of McWord will keep it alive on life-support as long as there's a Clinton they can try using it on.... over....& over..... & over.....
by Tyson D. Knine November 10, 2015
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S4L for short, is a term refering to spending something to get or earn less
Spend for Less: Spend $20 in order to earn $10!
by Francisco2K9 December 26, 2022
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I dont have crush on you so stop dreaming about me pls
I like spending time with you
by LunarDarkKnigh June 28, 2022
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When somebody spends too much money on entertainment such as movies, video games, and other useless things.
He went out on one of his spend-out sprees find video games and other useless junk.
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