When someone loses access to their accounts on multiple online services, as punishment for violating no rules on one of the services, as though by conspiracy.
"Mister Metokur's Facebook page is down?"
"Yeah, after he got his second YouTube strike, they counted it as three strikes, and then he started to get Alex Jonesed."
by DiscoKrakken August 28, 2018
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Basically, it's an expression used to symbolize jealousy across the neighborhood and the need to keep up with each other. It's usually just technology, but the subject can be changed to lawnmowers, cars, etc.
Sometime in 2001...
Joseph: Dad! May I have the PS2?
Dad: No, you still have your Nintendo 64, right?
Joseph: It can play DVD's.
Dad: Okay, be prepared, I'll drive you to the Best Buy.
Dad, this time on his mind: I'll have to keep up with the Joneses!
by ilikeguns:) November 11, 2020
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1. An uncontrollable urge to carry large amounts of money in brown paper bags and frequent strip clubs for dinner at 3 in the morning.
2. The ability to be arrested 12 times, yet never see the inside of a jail cell.
3. Waste of talent.
exe 1=guy1: Yo dog, whatchu do last night?
guy2: Hit up the atm and went Pac-man Jonesing for some seafood.
exe 2=guy1 Yall heard 5-0 got Trey last night red handed?
guy2: Shit, that muthafucka gonna Pac-man Jones them charges.
exe 3=M.C. Hammer,"I remember when I was popular, then I just Pac-man Jonesed it all away."
by Nick Bockwinkle March 30, 2008
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(V.) the act of trying to find something very hard then realizing it is right in front of you.
Yeah as I was saying, he kept indiana jonesing for the napkins but then he realized they were right in front of him.
by Cuzican777 December 13, 2010
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If someone is 'Jonesing', they are incredibly excited for something, sometimes to the point that the wait for this thing is getting on their tits.
'I'm Jonesing (Jones-ing) for this bag of sniff'
'I'm definitely not Jonesing (Jones-ing) for this prostate exam'
by Joneser November 23, 2018
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To fondle, caress, grope, or otherwise "second base" a girl from behind.
Damn that girl looks good, I'm going to do some serious Jerry Jonesing if I can get behind her in line!
by kmillertime August 7, 2014
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When a person has a strong desire to check their Facebook page but doesn't have access to a computer, mobile device or the site is blocked, usually at work.

Also called "fajonesing"
You must really be Facebook jonesing right now.
by WingoftheSun April 22, 2011
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