After successfully getting lucky the night before you are met with a kiss on both cheeks by your friends as a sign of greatness.
“How did you go last night?”-Guy 1
Yeah mate I pulled an absolute babe” - King

“All hail the king”-Guy 1
Kings greeting given XX
by Revellers101 December 6, 2020
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The act of sending a greeting, often "hey" or "hi" in a chat server or similar online discussion board, but especially in a Discord server, and then offering no further conversation such that a series of greetings accumulates but no actual discourse.
Anon: The servers dead, nothing but Greet and Retreat for the last week.
by JesSayers December 15, 2020
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When two people are walking down the street and the two don't now how to acknoledge each other. One invariably says hi or how are you AS they pass and you have to pause turn around and yell a response or look like an ass for not saying anything.
*as passing* "hey"

*pauses.. turns* "uhh.. hey!"

what a discreet greeting bastard
by JackVicious June 13, 2009
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Stands for "Fake Fist-Fight" greeting, and denotes the playful-macho act of two best buds joyfully saying hello by grinningly taking a few wild swings at each other, but of course never having any of the flailing punches actually "land"; both greeters purposely "swing wide" so that they safely miss each other every time.
An alternative to the triple-f greeting --- often practiced by sturdy-figured tomboys --- is to take huge "sweeping" kicks in each other's directions, while simultaneously trying not to topple over backwards themselves. Both of these actions may seem fun and "free-spirited", but there is always a definite risk of real injury with them; I prefer simple hugs and handshakes myself.
by QuacksO August 18, 2018
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Refers to a non-startling strategy employed whenever you are unable to unobtrusively get someone's attention or make eye-contact with him for whatever reason (maybe he's deep in a book, concentrating hard on a household/carpentry task, or using noisy equipment, and thus he does not look up/around occasionally or hear/observe your presence) and so you start out to say hello by speaking very quietly, and then cautiously raising your voice little-by-little (like some modern-day alarm-clocks do so as to wake you "gently" instead of startling you out of a sound slumber with a full-blast ringer right away) till the previously-oblivious person eventually becomes aware of your proximity and glances up.
I'd wanted to ask my elderly neighbor about my possibly carpooling with him on his grocery-shopping trip the next day, but he was so busy using his riding lawnmower that he never noticed me despite my circling around in front of him several times, so I eventually used the gradual-ramp-up-volume greeting to finally get his attention.
by QuacksO August 23, 2018
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A smilingly-playful salutation dat consists of da phrase, "The color between orange and green." Translation: "YELLOOOO!"
A rainbow greeting is da greatest --- why just SAY hello when ya can YELL it? :D
by QuacksO May 8, 2022
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An awkward half-greeting consisting of mouthing hello, with none or very little sound coming out. Only made worse when eye contact is made.
Shopper: *walks into store
Cashier: *sees someone
Cashier: "Hello!"
Shopper: "....(silent greeting)"
Cashier: "...."
Shopper: "...."
Cashier: ....can I help you?"
by Garrbear570 July 13, 2011
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