"Shouldn't you be working" "I'm just Princetoning it"
by -_-_-_-_-_--------- March 8, 2023
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The most sexy mf out there that gets hella bitches
dauym how is princeton taing the best kisser in the world
by March 10, 2023
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Where rich kids who got rejected by actually good private schools go to rot and pay a hefty tuition to feel superior and still get outperformed by the neighboring public high school.
"You're going against PDS for lax on friday?"

"im not even gonna wish you luck you can def wipe the floor with them princeton day school kids"
by soopergup August 21, 2023
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A school full of diversity. Nice looking building. Worse than winton Woods’s at football. Lots of wannabe rappers, wannabe actors, hoes, and thots. Mostly fun
by FunnyWalrus March 4, 2019
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A very loyal boy it’s like heaven dating a Princeton he loving he show u how much you mean to him and will go to to the end of the world for Elanina.
Damn your dating a Princeton Campbell
by D3vious August 4, 2021
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