if someone text this to you it usually means they wanna sext
Girl: I’m bored

Guy: wanna sext?
Girl: YES!!
by Hot squad🔥🔥🔥 October 23, 2019
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And what the fuck do you want me to do about it?
I’m bored- you, 2003-2020
by XxXasseaterXxX May 11, 2020
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Staff meetings are supposed to last one hour and stick to an agenda, but the manager lets certain people go off on tangents, and we end up stuck there for an hour and a half. That's why we call them "bore-athons."
by Jiffer May 10, 2011
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So very bored, utterly left with nothing to do
Ryan: Hey buddy! How are you?
David: im bored as a centipede, like, i have nothing to do right now ughghhhhhh
Ryan: I’m sorry, dear friend
by SpiderExpert43 September 21, 2023
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a badass youtuber called Bored X. He is a gigachad Memer who looks at badass 21st century memes, Here is it in Sentence
Person 1: Yo Have you seen Bored X.

Person 2: You mean That gigachad Youtuber Who looks at the juciest meme
Person 1: Yeah him
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The mouth. Receiving oral sex is second only to actual sex, so the designation of Bore 2 goes to the mouth of a woman. Receiving oral sex is receiving some Bore 2.
Dude, after that Bore 2 I totally came all over her face.
by KRAKEN!! March 21, 2010
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