A series of gays that all hate each other within their friend groups. But they can sure play some instruments.
“Those fags sure have a lot of hot breath, they must be in the volunteer band!”
by Daddison January 4, 2018
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Someone who you would murder if you could teleport behind them. Preferably in front of their bed with a sledgehammer at night. Because they're such self important faggots who don't realize this site is for memes
ud volunteer editor lmao what a fag
by OG Crackhouse May 26, 2020
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A bunch of sorry worthless piles of shit who only get out of bed to decide what gets to go on a silly little informal dictionary website. Truly a group of self important losers.
ud volunteer editors should really just kill themselves. Their parents and their 2 friends are the only ones who would miss their sorry asses.
by OG Crackhouse May 26, 2020
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To wish to be a bad guy or have malicious intent.

Often brought on by the inability to let go.
1. I wish I was volunt-malum, I would then fall out of love with my past lover.

2. David is volunt-malum, his heart is callused with pain and therefore hardened to stone.
by Julius Peter January 5, 2022
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The urge or desire to be the bad guy. Wishing you would be careless and bitter to all forms of life.
1. “I wish I was volunt-malum, I would no longer care for my previous lover.”

2. “David is volunt-malum, his heart is calloused with hurt and has turned to stone.”
by Julius Peter January 5, 2022
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A food bank and thrift store in Fremont, CA that gives off a creepy vibe despite being a positive place. Erin Wright is the Volunteer Coordinator there.
I look for bargains at Tricity Volunteers but I can't stay for long. It feels like a ghost is following me around.
by dearestherthethird January 18, 2013
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Campaign professional who manages volunteers. Gets them to the right place at the right time to be effective.
The volunteer wranglers kept the phone banks humming.
by jiminstl April 21, 2010
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