Its you, or any other mf in r/memes whose role color is suprise surprise "Green". Your kind is sooo fucking annoying, it makes my brain melt, literally.

It defines a new user (Below Lvl 20, blame the darn admins), who has no concept of the server and has never fucking read the rules (Yes, greenie we know you haven't) but acts like he owns the place

Characterised by statements like
-> "I am gonna ping everyone"
->"I am going to say the N-word"
->"What is a greenie?" you, FUCKING YOU

...Oh and btw!! It's also a buzzword to describe someone incessantly annoying
User_New:- Guys I am gonna say the N-Word
"Stfu greenie"
by KyZhar September 30, 2022
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Its either a dog treat or a racist slur against green people pick your poison
I gave my dog a greenie to chew on
by vzbsjwk December 9, 2022
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Greenies are people who only have the member role to color their name, usually greenies are newer members and say things that are out of pocket.
"i hate greenies with leafs next to there name"
by Vi <3 July 14, 2023
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A racial slur used against any Minecraft Mobs that are green
These fucking greenies won't leave me alone!
by RealDecrepitDanny August 4, 2023
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A member of the Onward VR USMC milsim that wears a green smoke grenade and also possesses a room temperature IQ.
by 1stLt. Prescott July 30, 2023
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The plant version of a furry.
Someone who would like to be a plant.
by daaaaaaaaaaaaave March 15, 2019
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Due to various sa reasons, Freshman (greenies) are left out of upper divisions.

Reasons may include Bias due to experience and Safety/Size liabilities
Freshman: Box is gonna be great this year
Freshman 2: We aren't allowed to play Box this year
Freshman: Great another death at the hands of a Greenie Protocol
by Wdzy August 10, 2019
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