1. A term used to describe the constant fantasy pairings of 2 straight men in homoromantic situations. Not literal goggles more moreover an "expression" 2. the act of shipping 2 straight men in homoromantic fantasies.
Jenny: I saw you checking out Chad and Jack yesterday at the gym, you're crushing hard it looks like
Heather: no, I just have really tight BL goggles on right now.
by hitsumuffin October 25, 2016
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Black Dick (that shyt that white girls love)
So I went to hook up with that white boy, but he aint got the BL D, so i dipped
by pitt bitches March 1, 2008
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A hand rolled blunt, preferably a GAME.
Roll up that BL God.
by Dark Mavis April 30, 2007
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taking the meaning of blazed to a whole new level, meaning you are just THAT blazed.
Tom: Lets see a movie! I love 3D movies when im blazed!

David: Wait man, I dont know if I could do that, im bl-blazed!
by baffoooon23 September 10, 2009
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BL Dub: the letters B, L, and W. Acronym for, "Butt Licking Whore".
"Look at that BL Dub, all brown nosing and shit."
by BigDane August 29, 2006
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