39 definitions by ~The Nameless One~

Something to be rejoiced. Sure it hurts when it's somebody close, but if nobody died, but people were born, it would get overcrowded, and really suck. If nobody died and nobody was born, in all probability you wouldn't exist, and you are certainly limited to your current family. Eternally.

To fear it is irrational, and a waste of your finite, limited, short time.
If you are, death is not.
If death is, you are not.

"Why should I fear that which cannot exist when I do?"

by ~The Nameless One~ September 20, 2005
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S hort
P ointless
A nnoying
M essages

A spammer is one who commits said act of spamming, or sending spam.
Now has been elaborated into anything annoying that you didn't want to recieve. Especially advertisements.
by ~The Nameless One~ June 27, 2005
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Origin: Part of Bill Gates' first name, because he's got billions of bucks.
Damn. I wish I was a billionaire.
by ~The Nameless One~ May 20, 2005
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The way to write Women... with a Russian Accent.

Seriously... can you imagine spelling it any other way?

Russian: I like VVomen.
Russian vvoman: Vie do too!
by ~The Nameless One~ June 5, 2005
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When you do a once over on somebody, but something about them (male in a dress, purple hair, somebody looks like somebody you know in a crowd, etc.) caught your eye.

Often due to surprise at what you *thought* you saw, but you desire a second glance.
"Lose Control" by Missy Elliot. (It asked for an example. This is not my favorite song.)

"I’ve got a cute face
Chubby waist
Thick legs in shape
Rump shakinboth ways
Make you do a double take"
by ~The Nameless One~ September 16, 2005
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Brief glance in their general direction, be it due to a distraction they caused (that you don't find important), they're just somebody in the way of what you're searching, or they irritate you and you flash them a look of disgust.

Doing a once over on a criminal is not enough to get a detailed description to a police detective.
You're in a crowded hallway. You're looking for your friend. You look to your left, than to your right. There's no sign of him/her. That's a once-over.

"So, did you get a good look at the criminal?"
"Well, not really. I mean... he was ... male. And... erm... flat chested."
"That's the best you can do? Reports of other victims say you glanced in the his direction before he had his mask on."
"I just did a once over, man!"
"... A what?"

So now I put it on UD. Now I can tell the next person who asks, to look it up.
by ~The Nameless One~ September 16, 2005
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Usually done to make fun of a movie they didn't like. Often hilarious to read, especially if you've seen the movie.
by ~The Nameless One~ July 1, 2005
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