39 definitions by ~The Nameless One~

The messenger of bad news.

Worth noting: Please do not shoot the messenger.
Rarely is s/he actually involved in the decision of whatever is bad news for you.
Usually, they don't even know what they're delivering.
You know it's a bad day when...

Bob: I hate to be the bad news bear, but... *insert bad news here*
by ~The Nameless One~ October 14, 2005
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Best used in the movie with Leonardo di Caprio and Tom Hanks. Catch Me If You Can. Cool movie with a true story by the way.
Phony Famous Doc: Dr Harris?
Cluless but skilled doctor: Yes?
Phony Famous Doc: Do you concur?
Cluless but skilled doctor: Concur with... what, sir?

See it. Then you'll understand. By the time you're reading this, it's probably on TV anyway.
by ~The Nameless One~ May 20, 2005
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Nature's favorite form of torture. It smells wonderful, but tastes FUCKING AWFUL by itself. This means you experience and desire great tastes, but don't actually get to satisfy your want. Quench your need. Make you happy. Oh no, you can only smell and wish.

(While some coffee is like this in the fact that it smells better than it tastes, vanilla smells better than any coffee I've ever smelled. Vanilla > You.)

It's also the most common ice cream flavor.
*Man first discovered vanilla*

Hmmm... this smell good. *drinks* ... *spits out* MAN, THIS TASTE LIKE SHIT!

Why, WHY does this odor torture me so?
The scent fills my nose with wonderful thoughts... yet my mouth lacks the same feeling. *cries*
by ~The Nameless One~ May 16, 2005
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A word people use because they like deceiving themselves to believe we live in a Utopia.

Mostly they're used by organizations and "considerate" people who don't want to offend the "situationally disturbed" citizens.

George Carlin, a comedian, did a great schpiel about euphemisms once. (A few of the following examples are in his speech.)

You should read it. It may not "open your eyes," but you'll realize how much we like to disguise our speech and blind ourselves. Disguising a condition with nicer, longer words doesn't change the fact that you still have the condition. Sorry.

(Note: Not all examples {e.g. black/white} are "conditions" or negative at all}
IMO, There's nothing wrong with most of the following conditions; they just warrant a euphemism because society can't accept reality. Many are unavoidable.
I just call 'em like I see em.

is old, they're elderly senior citizens.
is gay, they're homosexual.
is poor, they're in poverty.
is black, they're African American.
is white, they're Caucasian.
is fat, they're obese.
is a slut, they're promiscuous.
is crippled, they're handicapped.
is deaf, they're hearing impaired.
is blind, they're visually impaired.
is retarded, they're mentally challenged.
is short, they're vertically challenged.
is stupid, they're academically challenged.

I could go on.
by ~The Nameless One~ October 12, 2005
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(Seinfeld) What Elaine always orders from Monk's
At Monk's: Jerry & George order whatever...
Elaine: I'll have the big salad.
by ~The Nameless One~ September 5, 2005
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Destroy it with extreme-ly hot flames.
Host--Hey, welcome to the bonfire. You bring your share?
Guest--Here's a semister's worth of psychology notes.
by ~The Nameless One~ July 22, 2006
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A really funny way to type oh nos, which is a sarcastic and mocking way of saying oh no.

Because, when you pronounce oh nos, it sounds like, "oh Nose"
Like the anatomy part. So it's kinda funny. Get it? Got it? Good.
OMG, FREAK OUT, I LEFT MY *insert personal & embarassing item here.* AT *insert friend*'S PLACE!!!1111oneonetwo

*Insert sarcastic remark* (Hint: Look at the word you're looking up)

So it looks like:


by ~The Nameless One~ September 26, 2005
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