5 definitions by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~

For normal people: I Don't Even Know.

For people like me: The way your friend says idk even tho she means I don't know. (YOU know what friend I mean!)
Me: "What's that suppost to mean?"
Lauren (the friend): "Idek."
Lauren: "Idk* Sorry typo!"
by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~ February 2, 2016
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Used as a response known widely to "Guess what?"

Although it's more effectively used between best friends as their *thing*. Also an affectionate name besties call eachother.
Lauren (My bestie): "Guess what?"
Me: "Chicken Butt!"
Lauren: "You said it wrong."
Me: "How?"
Lauren: "🐥🍑"


(In Science class sharpening pencil)
Me: "Hey Chicken Butt!"
(Class stars oddly)

Me: "Don't judge!" *mutters*
Lauren: "Hey, antisocial"

Me: "My feelings"
by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~ February 2, 2016
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Guy: "Hey, did you see Maddie last night?"
Girl: "Gfy Maddie is my friend!"

Guy: "The fuck? You Gfy bitch!"
Girl: "What's so bad about Green Flying Yams?"
by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~ February 2, 2016
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The best thing ever! A phrase used by me, usually randomly to break silence. I mean, who wouldn't like pink Sparkley butterflies?
(Dramatic scene in lunchroom)

*A kid stands on table in lunchroom and says in very loud voice,*
"I hate school! I hate you! Fuck life, fuck this place of shit. I am very happy to leave this hell hole!"

*Kid walks out schooldoor*

(Not surprisingly, he never came back LOL)

A long awkward silence......

And that, my friends, is the effective way to use this phrase.
by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~ February 2, 2016
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One of my favorite kamoji's. It is the cat side of meh. XD

It can be used for many things, I use it casually. If it's not a cat, can you tell me what it is? XD cuz to meh it looks like a kitty ;3
Oh uh

Person one: Blah blah blah
Jerk: You suck. I'm so much better than you. You should just kill yourself.
Me: (≧∇≦)/

Friend: Hey Sarah! What you up to?

Me: Playing with my Kitteh. (≧∇≦)/
by ~ Sarah The Unicorn ~ February 2, 2016
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