27 definitions by zxulu tha big lip bandit

Another gogo band in the DC metro area.They from uptown like BYB and TCB.
paul-You comin to the gogo? UCB and Raw Image playin there tonite.
me-Where at?
paul-mad chef.
me-Mad chef is like a fuckin closet.Im goin to club levels.BYB and Fatal Attraction is there.
by zxulu tha big lip bandit January 7, 2005
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a fracas is what happens when celebrities and the paparazzi/paparazzo or other celebrities have a loud argument.in normal people its called assault(ahem)
the recent "fracas" between justin+cameran and the paparazzi was funny to me
by zxulu tha big lip bandit November 18, 2004
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this is the opposite of the shit.used in various conversations refering to someone doing something poorly.
me-did you see how chris shot the ball man.
paul-yeah man, he some shit.

me-yo gimme my food nigga.ewww this taste like some shit!!!
by zxulu tha big lip bandit November 29, 2004
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In my opinion the best music thats isnt really mainstream.I mean you have people who know about and people who dont and badmouth it.It uses so many instruments depending on the song.Pacman poppin by TCB for example mainly uses song effects and drums in the background,its a good gogo song but it certainly shouldnt be used as a prime example of gogo music as a whole like maybe 98 dopejam by BYB should.In a gogo song there maybe rappin, talkin, shoutouts, or they let the beat ride out.In a gogo song for the most part they shout out hoods in the metro area such as Sursum Cordas, 36 & Minnesota,Trinidad ave, 31-31, KDY, etc and local gangs such as Superstar honnies, X-rated honnies, or Most wanted honnies.I love gogo to death and byb tcb ucb raw image and rare essence, ccb, familiar faces, fatal attraction, and MOB are my favorite bands.If you want to purchase gogo cds go to either papalace.com or gogocds.4t.com or if you live in the metro area go to Kemp Mill music in Marlow Heights near where I stay at to get them.UD I dont mean to advertise for these businesses because I dont work for either im just informing people where to buy cds in case they are interested.Also if you stay near DC and you read this you know why my name on here is what it is.
TCB ,Mike Jones, and Paul Wall performed at the DC Tunnel and at Club Levels this weekend so you know gogo brings in bank around here if swishahouse niggas gettin involved cause they aint cheap.
by zxulu tha big lip bandit March 29, 2005
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used in the dirrty south it means a nigga you dont like.i heard it on the 99 problems but lil flip aint one retaliation song by T.I.
you betta raise up and clear outta here here fuck boy.see fuck nigga
by zxulu tha big lip bandit November 4, 2004
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to misunderstand a person or situation.
friend:i thought you liked big girls so I brought her with me.
me:son, you got me fucked up kid.

(at mcdonalds drive thru and they messed your order up for the fourth time)
me:you got me fucked up if you think im going to sit here any longer.give me my fuckin money back immediately.
by zxulu tha big lip bandit November 5, 2004
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