31 definitions by zutroy

A country which America brutally and mercilessly blew to pieces for having no defence and a socialist government which showed some signs of working.
'let's blast dose evil commynists'!!
by zutroy February 11, 2004
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To take someone out on a date
Ross: I just want to woo her
Chandler: Or...you could take her back to the 19th Century when that word was last used!
by zutroy August 8, 2004
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shortarse little emo boy who sits in the dark and listens to Emo (I mean Funeral) for a Friend
hey, Bartle for a Friend, stick this on your face!!
by zutroy February 11, 2004
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The World's Greatest Team (TM)

The only Manchester team worth a mention

Their alternative names include Man United, MUFC, United.
'Man U' is a horrible abbreviation and one that real United fans hate
Manchester United dominated English football throughout the late 50's, late 60's and all of the 90's.
It's a shame they've become a corporate brand, but the local football club element still remains at Old Trafford, despite what the ABU's say

'We are the pride of all Europe, the cock of the north. We hate the scousers, the cockneys of course (and leeds!)'
by zutroy January 9, 2005
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Soon-to-be-debt-ridden club with barcodes for shirts and a penchant for signing complete arseholes
Bowyer, Woodgate, Bellamy, Shearer, Kluivert

"We saw you crying on the telly!"
by zutroy August 30, 2004
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Cockneys who support Manchester United. Not all MUFC fans are glory hunters though...
'You stupid southern twat, why don't you support your local team?! It's genuine Mancunian fans like me who have to take the flack for you dickheads!' - me
by zutroy July 8, 2004
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Something which is enforced in Britain, and as a result, only 70 people a year are killed each year by guns, compared with America's 12'000.
And don't say 'that's because America's population is vastly bigger'. It's only 4 times bigger than Britain's, which means only 280 people should be killed by guns each year over there
Switzerland don't have gun control, but they have a low crime rate because they're not constitution-fucking American nutjobs!! In the words of the great Chris Rock; 'You need some bullet control!!'
by zutroy March 2, 2004
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