10 definitions by zombiejack

billionare media mogul, owns numerous companys and corporations notibly several television channels such as fox in the usa and sky in the uk also noted for his far right views and his ruthless manipulaition of his media resoarces in attempts to manipulate public veiw to his own far right opnions.
if you look at the companys rupert murdoch runs you'll find that there all right wing, sexist and slightly racist
by zombiejack June 24, 2004
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simular to the flamer and angry young man. the internet tough guy is a commonly a individual on the internet who tends to post agressive and threatening posts a marked tendancy towards right wing opnions on pretty much everything. anyone who disagrees with his or on occasion her will usually face a incorherant terade of homosexual referances and direct threats of physical voilence. (despite the sheer implausability of them tracking someone down) irrational hatred of anyone differant or vaguegly left/humane/intelligent or willing to critisise them. Also staunch supposters of anything voilent or aggressive and anyone who isnt is a 'PUSSY LIBERAL FAG'.
in truth internet tough guys are rather sad individuals with little or no dignity or charm
by zombiejack June 19, 2004
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fundementlist christian and owner of large corporate empire noted for far right policies and extreme religious veiws
jesus would'nt spit on pat robertson if he was on fire
pat robertson is either a hypocrite and a liar or a lunitic and a monster the difficult part is deciding which
by zombiejack June 11, 2004
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A difficult subject to define. the nature of the almighty makes a short and simple defintion of him/her/it (if its exists at all )difficult to define it is that is the name given to a perceived higher power which watches over us all, the reasons/ existence/ nature/motives are percieved differntly form person to person in the end god weither he (for simpistys sake) exists or not, can be all things to all people at all times, only he himself knows the truth.
i don't weither or not god exists and truth be know no one does.
by zombiejack April 30, 2004
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1) An ideology based upon some wellfare and equal rights for various monioritys.

2) A term to decribe a follower of 1.

3) A term used to scare the ignorant and apathetic, usually used by the less ethical members of the right.
1)modern liberalism doesnt really resemble classical liberalism which is more akin to fiscal conservatism.

2)he is liberal

3)theirs a liberal conspiricy to destroy america.
by zombiejack February 1, 2005
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a sub-culture usually associted with working class youths, the term origionally coming from and abbreiviation of scallywag. Typicly xeen in low quality sports wear and often physlicly and peronly crass obnoxious and genrally unpleasent. genrally criminal in nature and with marked tendancy towards genrally obnoxious behavour see townie
a scally picked a fight with me the other day for no apparent reason
by zombiejack April 28, 2004
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documentry film by left wing satirist michael moore crisising the right wing bush administration and conservatism as a whole to a lesser degree.
1)i have heard that Fahrenheit 9/11 is not as funny as bowling for collumbine but still well made and intelligent.
2)i dislike the film Fahrenheit 9/11
3)i like the film Fahrenheit 9/11
by zombiejack July 13, 2004
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