3 definitions by zipdotfile

it's object permanence, but for emotions.

the most common example is of people who have attachment issues or disorders that have attachment-issue-like symptoms (e.g. BPD), where people feel like their friends or partner do not love them unless they are showed affection and are reassured constantly.

it could literally be anything else too, like not thinking your soul-bound enemy hates you during times they don't show you hate
Person 1: I feel like my best friend doesn't like me unless they talk with me and reassure me they're my best friend.
Person 2: They do like you, and consider you a best friend as well..You just have emotional object permanence because momma didn't give you much love as a child.
by zipdotfile October 16, 2023
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Someone who larps as a Japanese person.
Can be someone who has their (non-Japanese) nationality public, but acts as if they were Japanese.
Guy A: Did you hear about that bunny V-Tuber hating on Westerners? Kind of hypocritical given she's a brit...
Guy B: It's no surprise. She's a jlarper.
by zipdotfile October 10, 2023
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a baby-eating lizard with way too much green
Guy 1: Hey, who's Jeff Bezos?
Guy 2: A billionare, I've heard he's eaten more babies than Elon Musk
by zipdotfile February 13, 2023
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