28 definitions by zee

Various systems that comprise Boabom. There are three basic courses, which are:
-Seamm-Jasani (or Gentle Boabom), which is a form of Active Relaxation
-Osseous Boabom (or Magnetic self-defense)
-Yaanbao (or Boabom with Implements).
All these systems are taught at the Mmulargan School.
I have taken some lessons on some of the Arts of Boabom, but there are many I do not know.
by zee March 20, 2005
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A spontaneous erection of the male penis, usually the result of something completely non-sequitur, such as thinking about goldfish.
So I was at the downtown aquarium and all of a sudden I popped a goldfish. Mom kept looking at me funny.
by zee January 24, 2005
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1.n God, or one who is like a god in a certain way. Somewhat like the Zee from the N Room.
"Holy fucking shit zee pwnz" "Yeah man I know zee kicks my ass =("
by zee March 19, 2005
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Boabom is a science of physical and mental development, an ancient technique of self-medicine through Movement, Relaxation, Meditation, and various forms of Physical and Psychological self-defense.
The Arts of Boabom converge in a path towards self-awareness and equilibrium, helping the student to attain an optimal state of health, energy, and vitality, whether they are 8, 28, or 80.
I went to Boabom lessons, and they're great!
by zee March 20, 2005
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I went to take Seamm-Jasani classes, but there are more teachings to learn within the Arts of Boabom.
by zee March 20, 2005
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This Art consists of slow and fluid movements, designed to improve coordination and to build an equilibrium between body and mind through various techniques of breathing and movement.

This Art has been described in Sanskrit as Alayavijnana or "the Art of Eternal Youth", as its practice increases health, mental vitality, and longevity, as well as helping to combat depression.
Have you read the Seamm-Jasani book? It is awesome!
by zee March 20, 2005
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