28 definitions by zee

the word michael jackson likes to say a lot in his songs
by zee February 8, 2004
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The apple jack defense is responding to a question with "it just is".
"You know how in the Apple Jack commercials when asked how the cereal is good even though it doesn't taste like apples the response is "it just is". That's the main precept behind the Apple Jack defense, which MIKE constantly employs."
by zee July 10, 2006
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Sexy Potions master at Hogwarts, hated by all the students there.
by zee January 16, 2004
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a very random word which your randomly use when you've run out of things to say or you want to break the silence... or the sound of an angry moose. (or tiger)..(or lion)..
person1:: hi
person2:: hello
person1:: how are you?
person2:: great, you?
person1:: good thanx...
person2:: ........rarr!
by zee February 1, 2004
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Bow the Fuck Down. It is used by AOL's Nintendo Room. It's creator, Lou, is a raging alchoholic who is also homosexual.
1.) "hey all wuts up" "btfd lou you stupid fucking mexican"
by zee March 11, 2005
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A medical term for a penis under 2.7 inches in length. Also known as Tiny Petito.
Before crossing the threshold Bob paused, riddled with sickening guilt; "what about my micropenis??" he asked himself. What about the micropenis indeed. Bob concluded to forget about his tiny petito for once.
by zee November 5, 2004
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1. An insult used when referring to an egotistical, stuck-up, preppy person.
2. Someone who is very vain.
3. The literal act. (Preps rotate their sexual partners within the same group...so its like they all fuck each other...thus a preppy fuck!)
1. Damn that preppy fuck, Daniel! He's showing off again!
2. All those preppy fucks do is fix their hair and make up in class. Can't they pay attention?
3. Yuck! It's like one big preppy fuck over there!
by zee August 13, 2004
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