38 definitions by yyuryyubicuryy4me

parasigmatism is the inability to pronounce the sound of s with some other sound (as of f) being usually substituted for it.
“Sigmatism and parasigmatism and paralambdacism are strongly marked.” — The Mind of a Child” part ll by W. Preyer
by yyuryyubicuryy4me June 30, 2019
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A meldrop is a drop of mucus at the end of the nose, whether produced by cold weather, sickness, or otherwise.
As if having just acquiring these blasted chilblains wasn’t bad enough, I now had to take care of this disdaining flow of meldrops.
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 3, 2018
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In the legal profession and courts, a querulant is a person who obsessively feels wronged, particularly about minor causes of action. Specifically, the term is used for those who repeatedly petition authorities or pursue legal actions based on manifestly unfounded grounds. These applications (usually) include complaints about petty offenses. Querulant behavior is to be distinguished from either the obsessive pursuit of justice regarding major injustices, or the proportionate, reasonable, pursuit of justice regarding minor grievances.
“A man may choose a profession in which he can engage with individuals with related inclination; this is the case of a psychiatrist with paranoid schizoform inclinations, or a lawyer with querulant inclinations and an addiction to litigation.”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 12, 2018
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The enactment of sabering (removing a cork from a bottle of champagne) using a saber or champagne sword is called sabrage. If the champagne bottle is broken, shatters, or explodes during this process, it can be said that it has run afoul of sabrotage. This is a portmanteau of the words sabotage and sabrage.
So while you sit back and your wondering why,
I got these shards of glass stuck in my eyes, “Surprise!”
Oh my god, it's a bloody mirage,
I'm tellin' y'all, it's sabrotage!
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 21, 2018
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“Every kiss begins with K” is one of many one-liner comeback jokes, that can be expressed after someone audibly releases a bellowed cloud of flatulence, or any other related type of cacophonous din.
Agent Oh: “Harder Daddy!”
Agent K: “Sure thing, boss lady.”
Agent Oh: (releases a fart from queefing)
Agent K: “Every kiss begins with K!”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 15, 2018
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A surprise inspector is the name of a prank which involves 2 or more people who have been detained in separate police vehicles. In order to set the prank up, one person who knows that everything in a police vehicle is being recorded, will speak loudly of their friends attempt to hide drugs or drug paraphernalia, (even though they really didn’t) within his or her own anal cavity. The prank is completed after the cavity search has taken place.
While Derek and Bobby were being detained in separate police cars, Derek said, “Those dumb pigs will never figure out that Bobby hid that tiny bit of tar heroin up his ass! A few hours later... Bobby: “Why you smiling, Derek?” Derek: “I heard you got a visit from the surprise inspector!” Bobby: “I’m gonna F’n kill you Derek!”
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 7, 2018
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mise en abyme is a term used in Western art history to describe a formal technique of placing a copy of an image within itself, often in a way that suggests an infinitely recurring sequence.

In film and literary theory, it refers to the technique of inserting a story within a story. A common sense of the phrase is the visual experience of standing between two mirrors, then seeing as a result an infinite reproduction of one's image. Mise en abyme occurs within a text when there is a reduplication of images or concepts referring to the textual whole. Mise en abyme is a play of signifiers within a text, of sub-texts mirroring each other. This mirroring can get to the point where meaning may be rendered unstable and, in this respect, may be seen as part of the process of deconstruction. In literary criticism, mise en abyme is a type of frame story, in which the core narrative may be used to illuminate some aspect of the framing story. The term is used in deconstruction and deconstructive literary criticism as a paradigm of the intertextual nature of language, that is, of the way language never quite reaches the foundation of reality because it refers in a frame-within-a-frame way, to other language, which refers to other language, and so forth.
As a structural mirror of the overarching plot, the tale is an example of " mise en abyme ".
by yyuryyubicuryy4me July 11, 2018
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