23 definitions by yup

The act of paying ridiculous amounts of money to enter a dimly-lit, highly-flammable room just to dance for a few hours to overly repetitive music that a 5-year old composed. And you have to dress like you're going to a royal banquet or the bouncer will throw you out. Usually, illegal drugs are served so as to help the attendees tolerate the music.
My friend overdosed on ecstasy while clubbing last Friday.
by yup September 15, 2003
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a mother who annoys you til your death, smokes weed 24-7, makes ur bed when you're 21, pretend to go to work just so u can't have the car, cares more for your pet turtle than her kids, has OCD, and refuses to leave the hizzouse...unless its to riccardos
Basically, ruins everything good
"Hey, Hipster, wanna go meet the man of your dreams?? he wants to marry you in Vegas and live in Cali for the rest of your lives, and he says u never have to work!"
"oh ya know what, i cant, Moon has the car...."
by yup March 29, 2003
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A popular Star Wars character. Not as good as Indiana Jones though.
I'll bet $40 that Indy will have kicked the shit out of Han before he reaches for that blaster.
by yup June 20, 2003
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word in thread title on ot
I keep it popalackin, keep it crackalackin, foshizzle dizzle.
by yup March 20, 2003
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The game is good, but the artwork was made by the same guy who drew the artwork for the god-awful DragonBall Z anime.
Despite knowing who drew the artwork, I still play Chrono Trigger to this day.
by yup November 9, 2003
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