2 definitions by yourfacemakesmewanttopuke

Microsoft's software building in 2000 that is most useless pile of crap ever installed on a computer. It is so useless that it is easier to train a dog to speak mandarin then to use Windows ME. It will lead to stress, frustration, anger for wasting your money and in extreme cases a pie in Bill Gates face. It is so complicated and unstable that the writers of the idiots guide to Windows ME eventually gave up writing it, because even they couldn't figure it out
Windows ME is a piece of turd,
In mathematical terms Windows ME= mindfuck

Building SERN is easier than using Windows ME
by yourfacemakesmewanttopuke December 5, 2011
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A load of pricks that lie, deceive and do fuck all for the benefit of society (apart from the select few) plus make cuts and deprive young people of a life
Politicians like David Cameron and Nick Clegg/ traitor to the lib dems (but not other members the lib dem party, even though you guys will never win.)
by yourfacemakesmewanttopuke December 4, 2011
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