44 definitions by your name

Modern day disco
Performers use computers to make music because they have no talent to do so themselves. The culture it has spawned is the same as the club culture of the late 70's early 80's, the only difference being ecstacy has replaced cocaine as the drug of choice. Popularized by attention deprived youth who fill the lack of love in their life with relationships based on common ecstacy experiences.
we don't need any examples, we all know what this is.
by your name January 17, 2004
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A careless person in appereance.
Sloven is an unusual word.
by your name July 12, 2004
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Music Television.
Turned to crap, pure crap.
girl: MTV is soo cool.
by your name February 22, 2004
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Only keeps its viewers because of Jackass. Only good show is Jackass. Disappointing channel that has such a cool show called Jackass.
Dammit Jackass shouldnt have to suffer being on a shitty channel such as MTV, it should be on Comedy Central or something.....but oh wait, the two channels DID have a bidding war for the show, and dammit MTV won.......because it was desperate for viewers, so then here came the greatest show.....JACKASS!!! Moral of story??? I don't want my MTV, but I want my Jackass! And the MTV bastards cancelled 3-South, ANOTHER good show. MTV sucks ass.
by your name May 26, 2003
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A KICK ASS rock four-some from the UK. VOCALS/GUITAR: Pete Doherty(sometimes) VOCALS/GUITAR: Carl Barat
DRUMMER: Some kick ass black dude BASSIST: Some guy with sharp cheekbone structure.
The Libertines kick ass yo!
by your name October 9, 2004
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A little gay guy from romania,
the kind who kisses everyonde's ass, a real cock sucker.
allso known as: bursugay, bursucel, poponel, ciorba, cbr
famous quotes from Cobra:
"hai gabi, nu bagi botu si tu la savarina?"
by your name February 14, 2005
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