31 definitions by you want to know who wrote this that badly?

what the first person above me wrote is almost correct. However, in spanish, "es" is the conjugated verb of "ser" for if you wanted to say "ella es" or "el es" (he is or she is) Becuase "tu" means "you" in spanish, and the conjugated verb of ser for "tu" is "eres" then the proper definition would be "tu eres muy bonita"
"tu eres muy bonita" not "tu es muy bonita" it would be like saying "you is very beautiful"
I'm taking spanish 1, and I know this, and I still can't get an "A" in this class.
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A song by Green Day. It was great at first, but was overplayed by alternative rock stations, and was raped of its musical...goodness. To all the people that said this was Green Day's best song, I really hope you have heard some of their other songs....I have, and I can tell you right now, that this is definately not their best song (in my opinion, anyway)...this is how radio ruins great music....
Wow, I just heard boulevard of broken dreams....for the tenth time today....*twitch*
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A digital art style that uses vector software, such as Adobe Illustrator, and Flash.

Vector drawings, unlike pixel drawings, are done using the pen tool, which creates "paths" that are seen as points (like on an x and y axis) by your computer. Because of the fact that they are paths and not pixels, you could zoom in on a vector picture without it getting that ugly pixelly look. (This will not work, however, if you copy a vector drawing into a non-vector program (raster program) such as Paint or something, and zoom in. Then you will see pixels.)

While Photoshop does have a pen tool, if you make a "vector" with it, you will not be able to scale your image to whatever size you want. Some people argue that this means that they are not vector images. Others argue the opposite.

Finding a cool looking image on the internet, and clicking filter, artistic, cutout, in photoshop does not create a vector image. With a vector image, you can manipulate your colors to suit your picture. A cutout gives you no control of this, and a lot of them aren't even very recognizable; just a bunch of colors.

There are also vexels, which are like vectors, except they are made in raster programs, such as photoshop. This, however, should be an entire definition in itself, written by someone who knows more about the subject.

Let's review, shall we?

A vector is a work of aart made in a vector program (or, as some would argue, with the use of a pen tool in any program that has a pen tool)

The cutout tool does not create a vector.
While many vector programs can be extremely expensive, there is a freeware vector program called Inkscape. Google it. It's a nice tool if you are just getting into vectors.

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The only internet company that tries to convince it's users that going faster is "dangerous"
I "go fast" and I've never gottan a virus. Suck on that, AOL.
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Greek for SOAP.
I'm not kidding.
Smegma is greek for soap, and obviously, if it was really that bad, more people would know about it.
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A Korean woman whose dog defecated on a subway train. When asked by passengers to clean up after her dog, the woman refused. When she was given a tissue by a passenger, she used it to clean her dog.

A member of the secret society of the internet took her picture and placed it on several Korean web sites. The woman was soon identified, and her personal information, posted.

News of this woman, now called dog poop girl, spread like wildfire, all the way to the west. This woman even got her own article on wikipedia. Bitch.

Anyway, when basically the whole internet world (as well as some Korean news stations, who broadcasted special stories about her) found out about her, public humiliation drove dog poop girl to drop out of college. Dog poop girl was harassed and forced to endure death threats, among other, unlogged things.

Truly a lesson that, when dealing with social affairs, you should always be wary of the internet police. We will get you. We will find you. We cannot be stopped.
"did you hear about that dog poop girl?"
"lol, yeah. What a bitch. Just clean up the damn poop."

(in Korea)

"(korean) did you hear about that dog poop girl?"
"(also in korean) lol, yeah. What a bitch. Just clean up the damn poop"
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They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
I say this is some grade A bullshit.

A biter is, as you've already read in the other definitions, someone who can't formulate any of their own good ideas, so they steal ideas from those around them, because they are uncreative hacks.
Person A, who worked hard on his computer project, was seen as a biter, because, although he had used his own ideas, Person B, the real biter, had shown his project first, and was seen by the rest of the world as an original thinker (even though he never made improvements to his project, ever again, while person A continued to expand with creative ideas, which paid off later in life)
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