31 definitions by you want to know who wrote this that badly?

Fractal Art is digital art made with fractal software, such as Apophysis, or Tierazon. The programs plot the fractal on a graph, and then colors in parts of it that you tell it to. This is why fractal rt is digital art.
Some people (idiots) decide right off the bat that fractal art isn't art, even though it, as well as other art, has the ability to effect people's emotions, and it takes a creative mind to make it look good. It's art whether you like it or not. (Besides, if a man pooping in a can and selling it on eBay is art, why not this?)
Fractal art is very trippy looking. It is thought that only hippies love it, and while this may be true for the majority, there are plenty of people who aren't on drugs who also love to look at fractal art.
Find a tutorial on google and start making your own fractal art. :)
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A definition by somebody who ISN'T Vietnamese! (by someone who goes to a school that is roughly 40 percent vietnamese) :O

Hey, guess what? People are people! Yeah, I know, it's such a hard concept to grasp! Really, out of all of the race pages on this website, this has to be the most conceited I have seen. I mean, come on, I've heard of pride, but "a special breed of beings"? That's just a superiority complex, right there.
For the past two years, I've gone to a school populated mostly with Vietnamese kids, and I can easily tell you that while yes, there are a lot of "quiet, hard working individuals" there, there are also a lot of kids who would rather talk all period while playing 13. Just like any other race (just change the name of the card game)
So please, as a message to anyone who is going to post some biased opinion about their race here, because they think somebody cares, please don't. Just get over yourselves. You're really not that great.
It isn't even just on the "vietnamese" page (this just has to be some of the worst) To everyone who is reading this, and thinking of making a page devoted to their two percent Indian or something:
Stop acting so damn superior. All you're doing is making yourselves, and your race (as it is seen on this website, anyway,) look ridiculous, and if anything else, it makes you look like an ignorant fool.
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If you get some food, here's an idea: Try eating it instead of throwing it at someone. Maybe then all of the work put into preparing your lunch for your greedy ass wouldn't be in vain.
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A band with a lead singer that has a squeaky annoying voice. The music itself is okay, but the singer....sucks.
hm...this is some good music...until the guy starts singing....
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A phrase said at E3 by a Sony rep, while playing one of the new "exciting and innovative" sony games.

It is now an infamous phrase used among sony haters.
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To add to these several definitions that are all stating the same thing...

While it is known that many "trendy" bisexual's only do it to fit in, not much is known about the "average" (lol, irony?) trendy bi group.

Usually consisting of "angst ridden" teens between the ages of 13 and 18, they've, for the most part, died their hair black and resemble your stereotypical goth. Most of them will believe that being in this group, being "bi" makes them different; original, even.

However, the hypocrisy here is so thick that it can be cut with a knife.
The real hypocrisy comes in the form of the name. "trendy." To become bi was, for these people, a way to fit in with the "cool" kids. Of course, these people would rather die before calling themselves "cool." That would only defeat the purpose. Instead, the group as a whole calls themselves anything else. Typically outsiders, or loners, when really their "bi" clique (which, at this point, no longer accepts new "bi" people) has amassed numbers resembling a small night club. What was once a small group of trendy posers in denial becomes a club of them, and nobody wants that.

It especially sucks when one of your friends goes "bi," but instead of still being your friend joins the "bi" kids and all but ditches you.

Of course, while this might not apply to all groups (read: yours) it is certainly true for the vast majority. And if you happen to be in one and think it isn't true, ask yourself: When was the last time you saw a new face in your group? If you can't remember, then congratulations! You've become a trendy clique, you stupid hypocritical bastard.

And don't try getting new members just to prove me wrong. That just makes you worse. Bitch.
Just attempting to expand a bit on this definition of "trendy bisexual."
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Californication means when Western civilization has an effect on another state (or country). This isn't only limited to California. They mean all WESTERN states. Besides, all the smart Californians know that this state isn't just a beach, or one city (Hollywood)
Does anyone posting here even live in California? Jeez, live here, then insult us.
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