9 definitions by yapdizap

A character in Shakespeare's play - 'A Midsummer Night's Dream'

In the play, she follows around this dude called Demetrius, even after he threatens to rape her and run away from her and leave her in the middle of nowhere. Also, to get attention from Demetrius, she betrays her best mate by telling her secret to him..
Anyway at the end of the play some love potion is put into his eyes which makes him love her, and she just accepts it as if he has been lovely to her..
So basically she's a desperate ho
Helena: Use me but as your spaniel; spurn me, strike me,
Neglect me, lose me; only give me leave
(Unworthy as I am) to follow you.
by yapdizap March 29, 2009
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They are not very useful for eating soup. Hmmm.
I have found that forks aren't useful when eating soup... Don't try it, it doesn't work...
by yapdizap March 29, 2009
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When middle aged ladies have mostaches
by yapdizap June 11, 2009
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A cross between prodding and poking someone
*Proke* Ahahahaha I just proked you :P
by yapdizap June 5, 2009
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YOUR MUM but in french
anf also you should know that I fudged her
Alex-TA MERE.. and i fudged her!

by yapdizap March 31, 2009
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