15 definitions by xylena

to paint graffiti excessivley or in a large format.
man that crew has been crushing that side of the city for years now.
by xylena June 23, 2006
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to paint graffiti, to go out on the town.
Yo we are going to mash out all weekend.
by xylena June 23, 2006
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A male breezy or airhead, a dumb ass dude, an ignorant male.
He is not hot enough to be such a hebreezy.
by xylena June 23, 2006
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A MC who sucks in every way but still says they are an MC. An uncreative or mind numbingly stupid rapper.
Dude that production is mad sic but the fool trying to rhyme over it is a wack MC. He is not even on beat.
by xylena June 23, 2006
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to sneak about in a deserted or dark shadowy place such as alleyways and riverbeds.
Did you see that crackhead lurking around the neighborhood?
by xylena June 23, 2006
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The ghetto, a bad or seedy neighborhood, a rough part of the city.
Oh you want a fake ID? You can get one over by the park, it's kind of in the grit but you'll be all right.
by xylena June 23, 2006
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