12 definitions by xxoo

"hey bill, youre a fucking dick eater"
"dont worry mate, im justt taking the piss"
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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A Kilometre (about 0.63 miles), Vietnam War slang.
Wal-marts about ten clicks from hya. (See: Hya)
by xxoo May 14, 2003
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1) Australian for "candy"

2) A quality of music, that is soft, catchy, bright, upbeat etc. sugar-y music.
1) Mum can I have a lolly.

2) This songs pretty lolly, but i dont mind it still.
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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innebrieated, drunk, drinking. from "on the turpentine"
"me and the lads were on the turps, long story short, i shat in joeys tuba"
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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Degrading nickname for shortest member of your grooup of friends.
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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Here. Cartman-ism.
"it stinks in hya, who let all the flies in hya"
by xxoo May 14, 2003
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a quality in ones balls that makes them very easily jacked.

(see: jackulent)
why may i jack your jackable balls?
by xxoo May 15, 2003
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