11 definitions by xiophillio

knowing is a movie that came out in 2009.
Although is starts out as your tipical supernatural horror film in the end it is all very scientific and entirely explainable. Nicolas Cage plays the main character. The interesting thing about the movie is that in the end the religous do good family is completley insinerated along with the rest of the Earth in a large solar flare. The movie explains the bible away as merely aliens landing on earth. And according to the movie aliens first planted adam and eve on earth. This movie can be used to argue points for religion and athiesm.

This is also one of the only movies around that show the complete destruction of New York City in high def-very cool.
by xiophillio April 13, 2009
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Saphira is one of the main characters in the Eragon series written by christopher paolini. Saphira is a blue dragon, with shimmering gem like scales and like all dragons in the series the ability to weild mighty magics. Saphira has the ability to breath fire (like all dragons in the series), but she also has access to vast reserves of magical energy Eragon can draw on in times of crisis. Although Saphira can't control her magic besides her fire breath she does on occation perform great feats of magick instinctivly.

With an electric personality she is a noble being not mearly a dumb animal. She continuasly surrprises those she meets with her intellagence and intuition.

Saphira is by far my favorite dragon i've read about.

Wow i wish i was a dragon rider, and that saphira was my dragon.
by xiophillio April 13, 2009
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A walled fortified area of Moscow, in russia. The Kremlin has traditionaly held the bulk of the russian governmant in addition to administrative buildings it also contains many beutiful churches and has been home to the russian tzars, stalin, and more recently Vladimir Putin.

The Kremlin is not one single buildings it is a complex of buildings.
The Kremlin is a symbol of times gone by when kings ruled and Russia was a world power.
by xiophillio April 13, 2009
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A wheel on an older chair that won't stop falling off, resulting in the chair constantly tipping over and causing mayham.
Stupid Wheel, nearly killed me!
by xiophillio April 13, 2009
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A furr suit is a costume worn by the furry comunity. Usually the suit is of a fox design however there are exeptions including varios species of dog, bird, and the ocasional dolphin or orca.

Although normaly only worn to dress up as an animal, to show one's furryness there are suits with varios holes to allow for sexual acts while wearing the suit.
Man i really wanted to buy a furr suit, but i found out a really goo one costs over athousand dollers.

Wow he looked really cool in his new furr suit.
by xiophillio April 13, 2009
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