1 definition by xXDarknessOnTheEdgeXx

The single most influential artist on rock 'n' roll history. Songs range in topic from political protest songs like Born in the USA and The Ghost of Tom Joad to love lost songs like Backstreets to fun party songs like Ramrod. Instantly recognizable voice and music. Simply amazing. Some narrow-minded people don't like Bruce because they don't agree with his politics and let that get in the way of enjoying his music.

Main inspirations for Bruce, AKA "The Boss": Woodie Guthrie, Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, the Beetles.
"So, what is Bruce Springsteen 's best album?"

"I would say Darkness on the Edge of Town."

"Best song?"

"Something in the Night, Factory, Candy's Room, Prove it all Night, Downbound Train, Last to Die, Jungleland, Lost in the Flood... take your pick."
by xXDarknessOnTheEdgeXx May 19, 2010
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