1 definition by wurzel_gemüse

THE artery, noun, thē ˈär-tə-rē

internet meme denoting extremely abstruse writing as well as any absurd situation in general

In the TV action drama series '24' season 7 episode 6, 1-2 p.m. it is revealed that the character Tony Almeida survived his apparent death from two seasons ago because Henderson, the alleged killer, purposefully missed THE artery, while stabbing him gruesomely.

It is commonly assumed that there are 20 arteries in the human body and at least as many ways of explaining away a TV character's apparent death and bringing him back into a series; however the writers came up with the purposeful miss of THE (one and only) artery. Hence this became a new standard for lame and sloppy writing.
H8er, arrogant: "'24' never really jumped the shark, but totally missed THE artery with that backwoods cracker fuck sub plot in season 8."

Fanboi, erratic: "NO! They purposefully dragged on the redneck penetration of CTU operations and hillbilly investigation of CTU personnel during a national crisis with international repercussions."
by wurzel_gemüse April 7, 2010
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