3 definitions by wublovah3000

The phonetic way of spelling ‘NB’ which is a common abbreviation for ‘non-binary’. Non-binary people are people don’t identify as male or female. This is based on the idea that male/female constitutes a ‘gender binary’, which enbies are personally rejecting. Non-binary people are also sometimes referred to as ‘a-gender’
Person 1: “Is your friend a guy or a girl?”
Person 2: “I think they’re a biological guy, but they identify as an enbie.”
Person 1: “Oh okay, so that’s why they dress androgynous.”
Person 2: “yep, they prefer they/them pronouns”
by wublovah3000 February 27, 2021
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L- Laughing
M- My
A- Ass
O- Off

Usually used when someone says something funny online/in a text.
Person 1: LOL, earlier Joey fell off his skateboard in the middle of a kickflip, and yet he claims he would've been able to do it.
Person 2: LMAO, that dumbass can't even ollie.
by wublovah3000 June 27, 2015
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A derogatory term for a black female, based off of the n-word. It was commonly used in the southern USA by whites in the 1960’s.
Racist person: “That nigra can’t be trusted
by wublovah3000 February 27, 2021
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