41 definitions by womoma

Famously dull and boring university in Dublin, jam packed full of dull and boring students.

In DCU its still cool to put a street cone on your head when youve had a few drinks.

The students are scared of the locals for no reason other than sheer culchie ignorance, and wont even drink in the local pub, The Slipper, for fear that some knacker will start a fight with them, which is unlikely considering the clientel isnt bad in The Slipper.

DCU from above looks like a town from a Phantasy Star game segamegadrive
"Oh youre in college- what do you do?"
"Maths in DCU"
"No way! I live right beside DCU- you ever drink in The Slipper?"
"No I value my life"
"Dont be so fucking stupid, Slippers a grand ol' spot, better than that kip of a bar in DCU"
"eh I gotta go now, I dont mix well with non students"
"Ok then be like that student bitch get a fucking job"
"CHaaa what-everrr"
"and stop actin like an american you stuck up tramp"
by womoma April 16, 2005
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"HAHAHAHA- Ya went on your ear you fuckin weapon"
"Gosh it seems you tripped and fell, you silly billy"
by womoma April 16, 2005
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proof that the southside of Dublin has plenty of knacker bastards
"You wish you were from the Southside you fucking Northside knacker"
"Eh Im from Clontarf and its very nice, not like Tallaght you dumb cunt"
by womoma April 16, 2005
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verb- enjoying greatly
your lil sister was lovin my cock last night- couldnt get enough of it
by womoma April 18, 2005
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Irish slang.

Literally means the entrance to a womans vagina.

More commonly used to describe a state of intoxication.

Also a replacement for "oh damn"
"Oh I love the feeling of my cock just as it goes inside your gee eye"

"should have seen me on Firday- was bleedin' gee-eyed"

My dog just got knocked down by some little cunt in a stolen sierra, gee eyes.
by womoma April 16, 2005
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Short for Declan.
In Ireland its usually the letter 'O' anto johnodamo
Whats your name?
Haha is that top deco or bottom deco?
Fuck off you cunt.
by womoma April 16, 2005
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Irish slang for something bad like taste or smell.
Whats your favourite drink?

Ah mines Guinness all the way.

Augh I cant drink that muck, gives me the shits.
by womoma April 16, 2005
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