13 definitions by wolf15668

A tactic used by women to prevent themselves from doing something regrettable when out at a club, bar, party, etc. This involves purposefully not shaving her legs (or other parts) before going out so that she will stop herself from hooking up with someone to avoid the no-shave shame the morning after.
Crystal: Man, that guy was all over you! Why didn't you leave with him?

Kayla: I cant, no shave behave!
by wolf15668 November 3, 2013
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Slapdick,Someone who doesn't know what the hell they're doing and proceeds to fuck up
by wolf15668 October 10, 2013
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A person that stops the elevator, gets on, cuts a huge fart, and sends the elevator on its way.
Oh god, someone shit in here. I have to get off before somebody else gets on and thinks its me.

Elevator bomber
by wolf15668 October 14, 2013
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A small child (or sometimes adult) that tells when others are "doing something bad", much to the annoyance of everyone around them. Often earn themselves unflattering titles.
nicole (Asshole): Teacher! Bobby's out of his seat!

Bobby: Ugh, nicole is such a tattle tale.
by wolf15668 October 18, 2013
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National Republican Bullshit Network. Watched by ignorant, gun-toting,

flag-waving ultra-nationalistic right-wing Christian fundamentalists who think

George Bush is the new fucking Messiah or something.basically, the scum of

American society who, if they had their way, would turn America in a fucking fascistic

police state in order to feel safe from the "terrorists" (aka: "brown people").
Fox News is only good for laughing at the bullshit those worthless Republicans

like to spew. If you want a real source of news, go the independent route.
by wolf15668 November 3, 2013
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The act of making a bad/shitty/cop-out-of-a-sequel or prequel to an originally good movie.
Sarah: Dude, I heard they were making a sequel to jaws.

Steve: I hope they don't apply the Disney effect to it.
by wolf15668 November 3, 2013
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