15 definitions by wittyname

what your facebook status would say if it was representative of what you are currently doing
Sally is failing at life.


(Sally has 315 friends on facebook)
by wittyname January 17, 2010
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Mixing "fucking" into any phrase is like mixing alcohol with sleeping pills. It makes the effects way fucking stronger.
Kid 1: My fucking rat died
Kid 2: OMG!#@$%&!! Im so fucking sorry!
Kid 3: Good thing. This world needs less fucking rats
Kid 4: Jeeze Lou-eezz, Kid 3, can't you have some fucking compassion?
Kid 3: no
by wittyname January 17, 2010
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the state you are in when you are being drug tested
stoner 1: hey man do you wanna smoke these dank ass buds with me?
stoner 2: man, i wish i could, but im clean. my parents drug test me.
by wittyname January 16, 2010
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the activity you are participating in currently
Insert Name is reading UrbanDictionary because it is the most intriguing activity that Insert Name could think of doing at the moment in his life.

(Sailor Jerry says hi)
by wittyname January 19, 2010
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The act that you will perform after reading this page of definitions.
Bob was horny, and being the Urban Dictionary-holic that he is, he looked up masturbate and every other word with the slightest sexual connotation on Urban Dictionary. He died of starvation.
by wittyname January 17, 2010
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The state you're in when you won't give two shits about what you say. You will be fucking uninhibited and won't give a shit what anyone thinks. You will be happy and motherfucking confident. You will be sippin dranks and feeling like a baller. Euphoria on a scale of 1 to 10: a motherfuckign 10................
So give it up to alcohol, bitches. this shit is legit, and deserves fucking respect, (that bottle of sailor jerrys was fucking good by the way)
Nigger. if you dont like alcohol, you can just kill yourself cause your iq is in the negatives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Some kid was drunk and decided to publish his definition to UrbanDictionary just for the fuck of it.
So go ahead, give me the thumbs up or thumbs down. I could care less
by wittyname January 17, 2010
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Jill: Do you want to violently fuck me right before 12/21/12? It's the last day we'll see each other. OMG#@$%!!
Jack: You actually believe in that bullshit?
Jill: Yes.
Jack: *remembers jill's offer to violently fuck her* Ya i believe in the end of the world shit. *thinks " anything for some pussy" *
by wittyname January 17, 2010
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