26 definitions by william the wallace

Scots = Head
is also incorrectly spelled heed. swede,noggin,napper,are other examples.
a Glesga kiss is when someone sticks the heid on ye!
by william the wallace March 16, 2006
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The Lost Celtic Country,It is not an EnglishCountyas the anglo-saxon conspiracy woiuld have you believe. It is the DUCHY of Cornwall.Closely related to their cousins the Welsh{Cymru}and the Bretons in Brittany western Franceand second cousins to the Irish Eire,the Manx and of course the Scottish Alba Those who chose to ridicule this ancient race are simply jealous usually Anglo saxons, that Foreign Germanic race who do not belong on these islands(Ever notice that ALL the Celtic Lands are Outstandingly Beautiful Whilst England is mostly bland flat featureless wasteland?) and no! I am not Cornish but i am a Celt

ps, This before some smart arse(saxon)posts an entry gushing lyrically about The Lake District being a gorgeous part of England .Well Sorry to kick you in the Germanic Bollocks once again BUT you see Cumbria is also Celtic so piss off back to the Low Countries.
Cornwall is Great. Fantastic People and Great Pasties oh and marvelous Beaches ,Good Weather
by william the wallace March 11, 2006
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Celtic Word pertaining to individuals who are masters in the arts, music, story telling etc, as indeed the Celts were. Rabbie Burns Is a good Example of a Bard. Shakespeare on the other hand is not, as he is an English Twat who wrote boring and historically innacurate Plays
The Bard Is Celtic
skakespeare is not!
Google search Bard and see whats on top!
by william the wallace March 5, 2006
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A Dude who Wrote some of the most boring plays ever.He actually believed England was an ISLAND I mean what a Fucktard and his so called 'comedies' were about as funny as a kick in the Nads Totally Over Rated!
Shakespeare needs a Geography Lesson
by william the wallace March 15, 2006
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The first Australian King of Scotland,No seriously he was a bad ass mother, who eventually took his head from out his own ass,and inspired by William Wallace(an even badder mother)and an unnamed spider! decided to kick the shit out the English HOORAY!!(Huge Roar From All Over The World Except England) Defeating Edward II of England ,Secured Scotlands Independence at the battle of Bannockburn 1314.Sadly many modern Scots forget this and like to keep voting for the Westminster based Labour Party or LibDems and some even Defy Logic Still and like the Tories.So all in all King Robert's Heroic Efforts were Sadly in vain!
English Troops:Run Lads It's Robert The Bruce We are Doomed!
Never mind chaps we will have those scotch twats in our pockets 700 years from now HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (Evil Grin)

''When will we see their likes again?''
by william the wallace March 15, 2006
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The Country that’s Above And on Top of England In every respect.
Jesus: But Father you have created this wonderous land with beautiful scenery and natural wonders, why are you so generous to these people?
God: Yes my Son! But wait untill you see the Neighbours I am giving them!
Scotland is the country on top
by william the wallace March 15, 2006
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