30 definitions by whatdoyoudialtogetoutofthematrix

The caliber of a bullet
".32 to the brain works well on most poochies."
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Yo hold up, see dat stik house rite thea?
DA's chodbin
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A Crazed-out sac, possibly the scrotum, NOT scroDum!
To throw nuts at a sac => wating your time doing an idiotic thing.
There was this nut sac, who went in the center of the dance floor and started having fun, until... Squish!! Ouch...

A: I'm gonna try to persuade Mr. Bush to pull out troops from Iraq.
B: You might as well nut sac, it's useless.
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A song by d12 that I don't realized th at hit em up iii is only a part of and "mention my daughter's name" is another part.
But it sounds like a rerecord cause their voices sound clumsier than hit em up iii itself. So whadou thank huh?
Also, an asshole who forfeits and never wins
I would hate to say that George Bush is not a quitter (with Iraq).
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Some/any one/many who (or in a case of matter - what) rips boobs of an in any way shape or form.
A (a person of any gender, if any): Are you a jabroni?
B: No, but I sure am a boobripper! Comere, yooou!
A: Oh, god, geez, don't hurt me.
B: Me ripping off boobs is what ya want now, is it huh?
A: You asshole! Suck your own!
B: Fuck you!
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1. noun: a mother (specify whose mom), who gets fucked in the face (specify by who), or a verb action of doing this.
2. noun: A person, who fucks a mother (specify whose mother) in the face, or a verb actione of doing this)
3. noun: A very evil way to call something/someone that the caller greatly dislikes.
If one doesn't specify it can get confusing.
Also see fatherfuckface !!!
Your mom got motherfuckfaced last night by me!
Why'd you motherfuckface your mom last night?
You dirty, MFF what do you think you're f-ing doing?
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