117 definitions by webster

Supreme being in which has reflexs faster then anything in this world. Uses the skill of trickery to fool those who oppose him, and figures out complicated computer errors mentally with in nanoseconds.
Nancy: Hey DD whats 3995 in binary?
Dark Deception: 1111 1001 1011
Nancy: Ok, thanks...

Medal of Honor:
BoX was sniped by Dark Deception in the head.
BoX was sniped by Dark Deception in the head.
BoX was sniped by Dark Deception in the head.
BoX was sniped by Dark Deception in the head.
Box has left the battle.
by webster September 7, 2003
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adj. 1. One who frags you without you knowing. 2. Provider of lumber and undead minions. 3. see fraggin bastich
LoBo fraged me. I never saw him coming.
by webster April 12, 2003
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Michael felt the urge to defecate and promptly produced a cave buffalo.
by webster April 21, 2004
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A stupid faggot who is so lame he has to use irc scripts to insult him
u just said u fucked my mom ure as lame as pHatSaucE
by webster May 10, 2003
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Going down a sled on your head. This is rock star style
he is such a sledenhammer, he can get down that run without any fright.
by webster February 16, 2005
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Of the most common traits:

1) An Uncaused Cause, a.k.a. First Cause
2) An unmoved Mover
3) A necessarily existent being
4) That than which a greater cannot be thought
5) That which if it did not exist, nothing else could exist
God is an uncaused Cause for the existence of the Universe.

If God did not exist, nothing else could exist.
by webster November 2, 2004
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