4 definitions by webphenom

A slanged conjunction of the words "because" and "of"
Dude, I got thrown in jail cuzza that.
by webphenom July 21, 2005
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The "white stars" that are visible when in a state of near blackout due to pushing too hard during the act of defacation shitting.
Dude, I was hoping that I would have a money shit however, those burritos clogged me up good and I saw "shitting stars" when I tried to dump.
by webphenom September 15, 2006
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Perceived increase in confidence, machismo, bravado, strength, cage-fighting abilites (etc.) from a public chat room or IM user based PURELY upon the anonymity of the "tough talker" to the person they are "tough talking to".
A 6-foot, 130lb. dork threatening to "kick your ass" when you disagree with his opinion on the relevance of Linux, Firefox, Open Source, Dungeons and Dragons or whatever other lame activity the "net muscled" geek in interested in.

"The dork is using his Net Muscles to bully the chat room into agreeing with him."
by webphenom February 17, 2006
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An urban or inner-city slang word for the term "nice".
Yo dawg, dat bitch has a NOYCE bootay!
by webphenom July 21, 2005
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