191 definitions by weave

a fierce and violent fight amongst two people, or a number of participants that eventually turns into a full-fledged donnybrook!
At the local watering hole, the bachelor party erupted into a good old fashioned, Grade-A slobberknocker amongst the drunken friends, as fists flew and teeth became airborne.
by weave October 28, 2003
All the scantily-clad female callipyges at the beach were causing him to pitch a trouser tent.
by weave September 21, 2003
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means that the world is in the eye of the beholder; it all depends on how you look at things; all people look at things from a different perspective and have differing opinions or views about someone, something, etc.
Everything is quantifiable in terms of individual perception.
To him, the new house is beautiful and grandiose in appearance; to me, it's ugly and pretentious. It's all relative, then, isn't it?
You think you're poor? Then take a look at the skid row bums living in the sewers downtown. Everything is relative.
by weave September 15, 2003
a beer, a brewsky, a brewhaha or brewha
This is a term that originated in a juggernaut of a regional northeastern supermarket chain and is used to this day by its key management staff and underlings alike!
After work, me and the boys hit the local watering hole and sucked down a few cobble-lobbers!
by weave July 16, 2003
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to expel abdominal gas via the rectum; to fart. Variants: flatulation (noun)a fart; flatulatory (adj).
He experienced the embryonic manifestations of defecation marked by sudden abdominal discomfort and then flatulated; after coppin' a squat on the hopper, a flatulatory plop splashed his ass!
by weave March 20, 2003
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In order to get rid of the garlic on my breath, my girlfriend suggested that I drink some bonnyclabber. It definitely got rid of the garlic odor, but I wound up at the gastroenterological unit at the local hospital for 6 weeks.
by weave September 21, 2003