5 definitions by watman

The Internet connection is porked. I can't access any sites to do research for my assignment.
by watman April 7, 2009
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(v.) To choose not to be friends with someone anymore, especially by actively removing the person from a friend list on a social-networking site such as MySpace, Facebook, or LiveJournal.
"If I get one more Facebook-application request from that idiot I'm going to defriend him."
by watman March 6, 2008
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(v.) To choose not to be friends with someone anymore, especially by actively removing the person from a friend list on a social-networking site such as MySpace, Facebook, or LiveJournal.
"If I get one more Facebook-application request from that idiot I'm going to defriend him."
by watman March 5, 2008
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(v.) A term, derived from "pull your finger out of your arse", that means to stop wasting time and being useless and to get down to doing whatever serious work, project, or situation you've been avoiding, either because you've been procrasting and are lazy or because you're pretty incompetent.
"John needs to pull finger. He'd better sell some advertising space to meet his quota or he's going to be fired."
by watman March 24, 2006
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