24 definitions by wang

Korn is hella better than this band.
I took a huge shit, and it reaked of consign as i flushed it.
by wang March 17, 2004
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Party Boy is when two or more males run up to someone of either sex and proceed to dry hump the target while screaming "Party Boy!" and throwing their arms up in the air.
1. This dude was being a dickweed and so we found him after school and party boy-ed him silly.
by wang March 29, 2005
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From the classic Mike Hammer film noir Kiss Me Deadly, it refers to a nebulous but potentially devastating threat that consumes a private detective or an entire nation. Much of its terror comes by way of implication. Examples include the communists of the 1950s, the One Ring and Weapons of Mass Destruction.
"Why is there no apostrophe in the great whatsit," the student asked.
"Don't ask stupid questions," the professor replied. "Its existence is simply a fact."
by wang April 25, 2005
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used to describe a place really far away
Yeah, thats all the way out in West Bumblefuch
by wang May 27, 2002
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The best suburb on the outskirts of San Antonio. The first and true h-town. Known for its population of cows and white people.
Wow, you are so lucky to live in Helotes. It is right at the edge of the best city in Texas, San Antonio.
by wang March 23, 2005
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