23 definitions by walterc

At one time in her life Michelle had a tight vagina, but it had long since turned into a a pair of old oyster flaps.
by walterc April 9, 2013
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Jack never goes anywhere without a travel clam in his carry-on.
by walterc February 9, 2015
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When you open the buttcrack for sex and find any kind of fresh residue or deposit that hasnt been cleaned out.
"Man I was good to go before I spread the ass cheeks and caught some buttcrack butter. That softened my root real quick."
by walterc February 8, 2015
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A tissue that-is used first to blow your nose, placed on the bedside table, then later re-used to wipe up jizz from jacking off.
I would be very careful where you sit if you go into Tim's room, it's always littered with jizzues.
by walterc February 7, 2015
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when a woman is so smoking that she gets instant access to the precious balls -and anything else she wants--without having to say a word or do anything else.
Dora is so hot, I gave her an all ball access pass as soon as I laid eyes on her.
by walterc February 10, 2015
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When you combine the styles of Bjork (or a generally Icelandic Elven type look) with Smurftones, most often by dying your hair a blue smurfberry color or wearing smurf blue makeup.
"These rave girls all be dying their hair blue and gettin' that Bjorf} look. Know what I'm talking bout?"
by walterc March 12, 2015
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An ignorant liberal- usually with sleeve tattoos, piercings, and a hipster-like beard - willing to wait hours on line at brunch spots to pay $40 for a scrambled egg.
Doug is a straight up fool. He got thatMickey Mouse tattoo on his neck, and he's a brunchliner at any place that will serve his filthy ass.
by walterc February 4, 2015
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