2 definitions by waffler

In the modern era were agricultural labour is no longer accepted (except by harcore maoists who ramble on about bourgeois society every day without realising that 'bourgeois' merely means somone who does not want a life expectancy lower than 25 and does not want half of their kids to die of starvation and disease), people have began to accept technology and the mechanized economy so that they can progress. After world war 2 several cultural changes stemming from the US took place in which teenagers in full time education began to create a new culture based on their hightenned emotional status.

Tis culture was based around 'getting laid', being mean to nerds and of course music which appeals to teenagers. In the 60s another social change occurred in the USA whereby the war in Vietnam caused social unrest, this coupled with contraceptives and superior music to the previous decade caused teenage culture to become more deviant than ever.
you were one, unless you are under 13 years of age.
by waffler April 24, 2004
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James: I need some help
Adam: Dw i know some tugs
by waffler November 8, 2020
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