32 definitions by w00tw00t

Word of the moment. The thing up in the right hand corner of urbandictionary.com. Through time maybe one day perhaps this word too may become wotm.
Heh heh look pussy is the current WOTM!
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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A set of Unix utilities ported to Windows.

See redhat.
Windows XP with cygwin is just as good as any Linux distro.
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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Statement made by a g33k who is really excited or thrilled. So thrilled that one w00t simply isn't enough.
Uber w00tw00t!
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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A server side scripting language that is commonly used to render web pages. It sounds like a drug so its cool to say things like "I did some PHP over the weekend" or "I got a good high of my PHP stash."
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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An attractive male, usually with nice chiseled abs and a very sexy tan.
Even though hes a math teacher, Mr Richards sure is a hunk
by w00tw00t February 17, 2004
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Sweet but with an extra 'h' to make it cooler.
by w00tw00t April 6, 2003
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