10 definitions by vulvahammer

a place or period of time devoid of poon.
like the irish potato famine, except with vagina in place of the potato.
Dude 1: "Dude, Michelle said she isn't putting out for a few weeks."

Dude 2: "That sucks dude. Fucking poon famine."
by vulvahammer October 6, 2009
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an excellent phrase to rid of unwanted pests. it informs the other concerned party that their mission, should they choose to accept it, is to fuck off and then get killed.
religion peddler @ door_"have you found christ?"

me_"no i haven't. i didn't even know he was missing."

religion peddler @ door_"take my beliefs seriously."

me_"fuck off and get killed."
by vulvahammer July 8, 2010
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-a fashion trend that has resulted from anorexia and malnourishment being depicted as, and associated with "beauty" by various celebrities and advertisements.
-the idea that intentionally starving oneself and looking like a death camp inmate is attractive and sexy.
-also a term used to describe any celebrity who looks as thought they just got released from Auschwitz.
Person A:
"Those Olsen twins look like they need to eat a fucking sandwich or something."

Person B:
"They're death camp chic."
by vulvahammer April 29, 2010
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