4 definitions by viv

Uttered by musically gifted English crackhead, Pete Doherty, after hearing a nasty comment Morrisey made about him. Meaning is unclear, but linguists believe despite the sexual connotations, most people on the recieving end of such "boobing" are 50 year old virgins. Staple threat on The Strokes' internet message board.
"Ray Ray said that the last Strokes album wasn't as sexygreat as the first. We ought to boob him on the hooter."
by viv February 6, 2005
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A now defunct p2p application that contained a questionable command to delete files on the users computer and coupled with the forum administrators consistent lies and over exaggerations lead to it's quick demise. This application had great potential as an anonymous p2p client, but was rejected by the p2p community for it's lack of documentation (closed source) and the trolling efforts of a few members of their forums.
Earthstation 5 is no longer being worked on, has no users, no network and had questionable ties to Russian mobsters.
by viv June 8, 2005
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Peer 2 Peer filesharing forum and community discussing all things P2P. IntegrityP2P's proud members are ecclectic, intelligent, diverse, wordly, and strongly believe in p2p filesharing. The forum provides a 'safe haven' for noobs and l33ts alike.
At IP2P we support a gathering of 'like-interested' people who have made strong ties and hope to remain informed and active within the filesharing community. We offer community first and foremost, information next and prefer to test and review applications at our leisure. We are definitely a casual forum partnered with Bsmuv.com, providing live chat, a place to listen to music and opportunities to try your own hand at DJing.
by viv December 14, 2004
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