27 definitions by veggieness

author of many teenage fiction books. one of which, was made into the movie How to Deal starring Mandy Moore
Have you read Someone Like You?
by veggieness April 3, 2005
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something you would reject when editing urban dictionary posts.
Publish Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally
by veggieness April 5, 2005
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Commonly used by teachers to say 'worksheets'
Remember class, you have a ditto to complete for homework
by veggieness May 8, 2005
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an online kiss (the sound a kiss would make)
by veggieness April 2, 2005
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complete happiness, something i'm sure everyone would like to experience
by veggieness April 3, 2005
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a program that comes with your computer to take place of your keyboard when your dies. you use your mouse to click on the letters you want to type.
on-screen keyboard helped me when my regular keyboard broke
by veggieness April 5, 2005
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something one would say to show how much they really don't care
-omg my dog got hit by a car today, my teacher slapped me, and my boyfriend broke up with me!
by veggieness April 5, 2005
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