8 definitions by valigarmander

Declaration; a phrase that is shouted out loud by a straight man when he does something gay.
Brad slapped Ted on the ass in the shower room and then yelled "Not gay!" to prove indefinitely that he was not, in fact, gay.
by valigarmander August 28, 2007
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A lame dance consisting of standing in one spot and bouncing on your heels with your arms raised at chest level, ala Ryu's idle stance in Street Fighter. Popular at raves.
The awkward kid did "the Ryu" by himself in the corner of room at the party.
by valigarmander August 26, 2011
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Ahab tried to get it up so he could bum Queequeg, but there was nothing he could do about his Mopey Dick.
by valigarmander August 28, 2011
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The labored sigh that fat people make whenever they sit down, stand up, pick up something heavy, climb a short flight of stairs, reach for something on a high shelf, etc.
Louie Anderson let out a fat sigh as he plopped down onto the sofa.
by valigarmander May 2, 2011
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1. (改造) Japanese word meaning "modded" or "hacked".
2. A genre of ridiculously difficult video game hacks that tend to feature a lot of trial-and-error gameplay. Named for the Super Mario World ROM hack "Kaizo Mario World".
3. Anything resembling a kaizo hack in difficulty.
1 & 2. "Have you tried Kaizo Pac-Man yet? It's pretty intense."
3. "Shit, this game is really kaizo."
by valigarmander April 3, 2013
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Noun; a pseudo-lesbian with enormous breasts.

Verb; to turn a straight girl gay with enormous breasts.
"Jessica is such a wenk."

"She uses her tits to wenk other girls."
by valigarmander August 27, 2007
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