16 definitions by uwg

The perfect society envisioned by the Ayn Rand worshiper. In Randtopia, selfishness is the highest moral virtue, corporations are ennobled, capitalism is unfettered, all endeavors are privatized and for-profit, government does not exist (except for making war), there is no taxation, Socialism/Liberalism is banned, and if you're poor it's your own damn fault.
The Tea Parties are the first step to transforming America into Randtopia!
by uwg April 25, 2009
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Masturbating, knowingly or unknowingly, to pictures or video of a person who has passed away. (The pictures or video must have been taken while said person was alive, otherwise the act is sick instead of merely creepy.)
Ami Jordan died last week? Why didn't anyone tell me? Shit, that means I've been necrobating all this time!
by uwg June 22, 2010
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Misinformed, typically by Fox News or similar. From a sign seen at a Tea Party rally: "Thank you Fox News for keeping us infromed."
Guy 1: Obama's gonna take away my guns and force me to get gay-married!

Guy 2: Wow, sounds like you've been well-infromed.
by uwg March 22, 2010
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The world's greatest euphemism for masturbating. Coined by Jeff Foxworthy, of all people.
They give you a plastic cup and a Playboy book, and you take it in the back room and do what you're good at!
by uwg October 15, 2006
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A liberal. So named because liberals are typically in favor of abortion.
those goddamn baby-eaters want the terrists to win!
by uwg March 11, 2006
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A famous person who has no discernable talent other than being famous.
Paris Hilton is a professional celebrity.
by uwg September 25, 2006
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On a website, when a hotlinked image cannot be found, either because it's been deleted or the site that hosts it has become inaccessible, it will be replaced by a small white box with a red X in it. This is known as a "sexy red X".
Hottgurl69 says she posted her picture in the forum, but all I saw was a sexy red X.
by uwg May 26, 2007
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