2 definitions by uw-stoutnickk

The most bad ass motherfucker to walk the face of this earth. The only MOS that actually matters. Kills ISIS with a glance. Survives off of Rip-its and copenhagen. More than likely drives a dodge charger and met his wife 6 minutes ago. When women see his blue cord they drip like an ice cream cone at Fort Benning in July.
OMG! that is an 11B he'll kill us! Lets hurry up and run back to our village and fuck our goats.
by uw-stoutnickk December 13, 2018
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The most bad ass mother-fucker to walk the face of this earth. The only MOS in the military that actually matters. The Blue cord you wear will make women drip like an ice cream cone at Fort Benning in July
OMG ! that is an 11B. Hurry up and run back to the village to fuck our goats!
by uw-stoutnickk December 13, 2018
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