28 definitions by useful idiot

Killing your scene. Usually consisting of taking a gun to the head of many emo kids and blasting their heads off. It works! :)
Hey, Randy! Let's go kill all those trendy little emo faggots and commit some mass scenicide!
by useful idiot March 27, 2005
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Greatest rechargable battery brand ever.
Damnit, my shitty dollar store batteries are all used up. Now I can use the good Pure Energy ones I just bought.. and they'll last for so long!!
by useful idiot October 29, 2004
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Emo punk. Bands and people subjecting themselves to this waste of a genre and style.
Emunk bands: Yellowcard, Thrice.
Use: U friggen emunk.. these guys are totally emunkafyed!
by useful idiot December 29, 2005
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AweXome comic strip, despite the fact that it's mostly centred on the life of an old couple with a nephew. Every strip is always hilariously funny, putting most of today's comic strips to shame (except for Foxtrot comics.. they just rock.)
I want to see the characters in the Pickles comic strip do something kinky and non-elderly-like with a jar of pickles. :)
by useful idiot January 14, 2005
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Newest update to Urban Dictionary. Any regular Joe Schmoe can sign up in 5 seconds flat and choose which definitions to publish and which not to publish.
by useful idiot March 25, 2005
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a website for rating people, talkin to em and seeing "more" of em
i joined would you hit this.com, and damn, all the chicks are all over me and they're all really hot
by useful idiot September 2, 2004
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